Organic Purple Viking

Purple/pink skin, white flesh

Additional Information

  • 10 LB
  • $32.00
  • -+
  • 25 LB
  • $67.50
  • -+
  • 50 LB
  • $125.00
  • -+
• Purple skin with dazzling pink-red patterns. White flesh.
• Medium to large round shaped tubers.
• Perfect for storage. Taste can actually improve in long-term storage.
• Early season (75-90 days)

One of the best tasting and most fun potatoes to grow! Generous yields early and maintains quality in storage.

The purple pink skin patterns look exotic like dinosaur eggs, revealing snow white flesh when sliced open.

Try it boiled and mashed with butter and salt for a one way ticket to potato heaven!
Growing Guide: This variety tends to produce large oversize potatoes, so plant closer than 10" apart to control size.
Disease Resistance Characteristics: Drought-resistant. Heat-tolerant. Scab-resistant. Shows resistance to leafhoppers.
Smooth, creamy white flesh with a delicious, gourmet flavor. Suitable for all types of preparation, we challenge you to find a recipe that doesn't work with Purple Viking.
Our conventional Purple Viking seed potatoes are grown without pesticides, herbicides, or fungicides. Synthetic fertilizer is used.
Note: Certified Organic Growers should secure approval from their Certifier before planting to ensure compliance. When Certified OG seed stock for specifically desired varieties is not available from other sources, planting untreated or conventional is often approved as an acceptable substitute.