Organic Dark Red Norland

Red skin, white flesh

Additional Information

  • 10 LB
  • $32.00
  • -+
  • 25 LB
  • $67.50
  • -+
  • 50 LB
  • $125.00
  • -+
• Red skin with white flesh
• Medium to Large size oval shaped tubers
• Decent storage potential
• Early Season (70-90 days)

Dark Red Norland is the standard American red potato. It yields a variable 6-12 tubers per plant which come in a range of sizes, but the potatoes are overall a high percentage of #1 grade. Fast emergence and quick maturity make it an easy pick for Northern growers, but it is also well-adapted to all climates and soil conditions. Skin color fades to light red/pinkish in storage.
Growing Guide: A true EARLY variety! And very dependable. Dark Red Norland produces high quality new potatoes, so they can be harvested and eaten at full quality straight from the field or garden. Skins are delicate so be careful at harvest.
Disease Resistance Characteristics: Resistant to scab, hollow heart, early blight, black scurf, cracking and PVA. Susceptible to other potato viruses and late blight.
Ideal in potato salads and for mashed potatoes. Dry matter is low which is ideal for boiling. Works for frying as well. Baking is not recommended.