Organic French Fingerling

Red Skin, White-pink Flesh Fingerling

Additional Information

  • 10 LB
  • $47.00
  • -+
  • 25 LB
  • $85.00
  • -+
  • 50 LB
  • $145.00
  • -+
• Red skin with yellow flesh fingerling, reveals an interior ring of rose/pinkish veins when sliced open
• Stores well, but be careful when handling because the skin is delicate
• Late Season (110-125 days)

It is said that this fingerling arrived in this country during the 1800's in a horse's feedbag. We're sure glad it did.
Growing Guide: Heavy yielding, tall spreading plants. French Fingerlings are larger than average fingerlings, so pick on the early side for a leaner shape and to avoid growth cracks.
Disease Resistance Characteristics: High resistance to scabs and some resistance to leaf hopper.
Nutty flavor and creamy smooth texture.
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1 review
looking good/selling good
Jul 8, 2015
The French Fingerlings were hotter than a firecracker at our Fourth of July farmers market. The Purple Viking are taking some educating, but I am getting sells. I cut open one so people can see the beautiful white interior. I got seed potatoes from you this spring, 9 varieties to trial. I am taking some beautiful Desiree to market today. I suspect they will do well. All have looked good, clean of disease. Thank you! Lynne Ross Little Indian Creek Farm Vale NC
Lynne Ross